Its not just about the board!!!

There's so much more to the water than meets the eye.  You don't have to wake board to enjoy the outdoors or the water.  Why  not take advantage of your local waters by investing in a boat, kayak, or jet ski and reap the new adventures as they come along.

But don't fool yourself into thinking its easy or you may not "have fun." Choosing your boat or mode of transportation on the water is very important.  Summertime is approaching and its time for you to see a different world.  Once you've gotten a taste of boating, jet skiing, wake boarding, or even kayaking, you will be hooked!

Here are some "gotta haves" if you are going to be wake boarding!  Saftey is the most important factor when participating in any sport or activity. Wake boarding can be fun and it can also be dangerous. Please ensure that you have all of the required equipment, and you have the right vest.  When learning to wake board, please be patient, not everyone gets up on the board their first try.  I didn't!  I had never water skied so it was challenging for me.  Summer is around the corner! Don't don't need a boat, a jet ski will pull you just the same!

When purchasing your bindings and your board, please read the manufacturer's recommendations on shoe size and weight.  You want to choose a board that is within your weight class.  Thanks for checking out my site!  If you have any more information on wake boarding, please share!  Make a splash, ride the wake! 

Pick your rope here

Here are some of the best wakeboards I use the Sapphire!

Here are the Coast Guard Approved Vests

Here's my story on wakeboarding.